Be American for a while

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloweeeeeeeeeen =)


Yeah! I can do my split ^^

Sean, Irish boy

Kenz and me

Ian and Sean

They won!!

Lexie, le chien mutant

Un a la fois sur le trampoline svp lol


Kenziie, you seems so creepy!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Homecoming dance!!

Before homecoming

Brian and Lisa

HAHA, haloween guy, dave ;-)

Boys! Brian, Lubos, Dave and Kevin.

ave, Lisa, Lubos, Brian, Kenzie, Kenvin and me

Homecoming football game!!

We scored!!

Kenzie and Lubos

Us (Lubos, me, julian and Lisa)

Yahouuuuuu, arrivee surprise de Kenzie

Ju and me =)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Happy Haloween =)

Sandy boy =), le toutou de la maison

Pumpkin patch & co ... ^^